The Meaning of the Name Hakan in Urdu:

hakan meaning in urdu
hakan meaning in urdu

Hakan is the transliteration of the word 'Hakan' and his name means 'the one who was'. He was born in Bostan, Persia in around 647 A.D. He became the general in a war between the Imam Shah Abbasid and the Umayyad Caliph, Omar ibn al-Khattab.

The most significant trait of Hakan meaning in urdu was his warm heart. He loved peace and tranquility, was an innovator and had the compassion for mankind. He believed that God has more good than evil in every form. He was the originator of the tolerant attitude towards those people who are not inclined to belief in God.

His principal aim was to preserve the purity of Islam. In order to defend Islam he conducted many campaigns. He converted to Islam with his hand on the cloth. He made many raids in order to prevent the spread of paganism and Judaism in the land.

When Mughal Emperor Jafar Zehed imprisoned Hakan he decided to throw off all the idols from the mosques and replace them with one of God. This helped to maintain the purity of Islam. His brother-in-law Maulana Abul Fazl, who was at war with the Ghilzai tribe and called upon him to release his brother-in-law, but he refused.

He was then captured by Maulana. In order to liberate him, Muzzaffar Ali Shah gave a sword to him. The sword pierced his hand. The sword is the reason for the title 'savior of Persia'.

Maulana asked his father, 'What should be done with this messiah?' 'He will go to a cave and enter into the heavenly abode'. Maulana was told, 'Go get your son, let me carry him in my hands'.

After his capture by Maulana, Hakan was sent for by his father to learn the language. However he came out of his worship and carried out his mission well. He introduced the Persian alphabet to the world and brought about a major change in the people's mode of thought.

Hakan was also known as 'the banner bearer of Islam'. He was killed by a sword by his own brother, Maulana. His legacy still continues and the Quran contains many references to him. In the Quranic verses, a person with the same name is mentioned as 'one who gives security'.

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